IRGO (Research Institute for the Management of Organizations) is a research unit (EA 4190) in Management Sciences at Bordeaux University.

Professor Pascal BARNETO was appointed as director in March 2017, elected by the laboratory board, and is a member of the EES (Economics, Business and Society) doctoral school board (ED 42). The Deputy Director is Professor Julien CUSIN. Ms. Bérangère FERRARI is the administrative head.

Pascal Barneto / Julien Cusin / Bérangère Ferrari

IRGO was created in 2004. It is the result of the merger of three previously existing disciplinary teams: CREGE (marketing and business strategy), CRECCI (accounting & audit) and CREFF (research center for family-run and financial business). Over the years, further teams were added, in chronological order of creation: “Entrepreneurship”, “Banking & Financial Management”, “Family-run Businesses” (resulting from the division of CREFF into two separate teams), and lastly, “Human Resources Management”.

The aim of IRGO is to federate these six research teams (Accounting & Audit, Entrepreneurship, Family Businesses, Banking & Financial Management, Marketing and Human Resources) around three transversal topic areas: Wine, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and Digital Science. The objective of these themes is to raise the profile of the laboratory as an academic research unit (EA) in Management Sciences as well as for all public or private regional players in the Nouvelle Aquitaine Region.

In 2019 IRGO had around 130 lecturer-researchers and researchers: 50 from Bordeaux University, 50 PhD students and 30 associate researchers.

The heads of IRGO’s teams are as follows:

Team 1: Accounting & Audit: F. POURTIER, Director

Team 2: Entrepreneurship: T. VERSTRAETE, Director

Team 3: Family Businesses: G. HIRIGOYEN, Director

Team 4: Banking & Financial Management: J. FOUILLOUX-THOMASSET, Director

Team 5: Marketing: J.P. GALAN, Director

Team 6: Human Resources L. BENRAISS-NOAILLES, Director.

The heads of IRGO’s topic areas are as follows:

Topic 1: Wine: J.F. TRINQUECOSTE, head

Topic 2: CSR: J. CUSIN, head

Topic 3: Digital Science: N. GARDES, head.

IRGO is a member research unit of the ECOr Department (Policy Evaluation – Behavior – Organization). ECOr is a grouping of research units in human and social sciences, which brings together, to date, four laboratories:

    IRGO (Management Sciences)

    LABPSY (Psychology Sciences)

    LACES (Educational Sciences)

    LAREFI (Economic Sciences)


IRGO is administered by a board and run by a director elected by this board.

Management bodies

The office or management body is presided over by the unit director, with the support of the deputy director and administrative head.

The research unit board

The board consists of a maximum of 26 members, including:

• The director of the research unit, who is acting president,

• 18 staff representatives of lecturer-researchers and researchers,

• 1 BIATSS (technical and support) staff representative

• 6 PhD student representatives.

The board adopts:

– the budget for the unit,

– the annual activity report and the unit policy project,

– its statutes, which are compatible with those of the department and the establishment,

– the organization of the laboratory, in particular in-house teams.

The board may be consulted and issue requests on:

– the research aspect of the establishment project relative to the unit,

– the recruitment policy, examined in restricted formation,

– agreements and projects developed by the unit,

– any matters to be discussed by the board at the director’s request, or submitted by the department.

The General Assembly

The General Assembly, composed of all unit members, is an advisory body. It takes place at least once a year.


Three strategic directions were defined for the coming five years, around three themes:

    Consolidate and boost the international profile of works conducted around the topic of wine (in association with historical partners such as ISVV and other Bordeaux University research units such as LAREFI);

    Pursue the structuring and development of works around the topic of CSR, which currently constitutes the most federating theme of IRGO works;

    Acquire new knowledge in digital science and digital Management Science.